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The Malaysian Finnish Association - Malesian Suomalaisyhdistys (MaSu)

MaSu - the Malaysian Finnish Association has been operating since 1996. The association is a non-profit organization operating on a volontary basis financed by membership fees and support charges.


The association organises a variety of events for children, families and adults, e.g. coffee mornings, play dates for children, pub nights, seasonal theme parties, dinners, excursions etc. 

About MaSu

All Finns living in Malaysia and anyone else interested in Finland and Finnish culture can join as a member of the association. The membership fee can be paid to any member of the board at the MaSu events. Please check with them what the current annual member ship fee is. 


MaSu's activities and events are mostly concentrated to the greater Kuala Lumpur are, but ocaasional trips, excursionas and events are organized to other parts of Malaysia as well. 


For more details, please email MaSu directly at :


MaSu Events

Read more about the events on MaSu's Facebook page:

Finnish School

MaSu also provides a Finnish School for Finnish Expat children of the elementary school level. For more details, please email MaSu directly at :


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